After what feels like ages, we're finally releasing a stable version of stencil! By the time this post has been launched, v2 will be out. Now, you might be asking why v2, there's not even a v1! And you'd be right, there is no
This post is more of a stream of conscious than my normal tutorial/announcement posts that I put out, so if you don't like that, you probably should stop reading now 😄
I started my career in 2018, at Azuqua. A now defunct startup that was acquired by Okta
Testing in Go is probably one of the hardest parts about Go to get right as a new Go developer. If you haven't thought about testing from the beginning, it's hard to add in. Unlike other languages, such as JS (jest.SpyOn), you can't
With the release of goreleaser v2, there's finally official support for notarizing macOS binaries! For those not familar with goreleaser, it's a great all-in-one platform for releasing Go applications. While the official docs are great, I wanted to write a quick guide for developers who aren&
Yes, for some reason, I still run Gentoo as my distribution of choice. Ever since I first ran it as a young, weary eyed 17-year old with way too much time on my hands, I've continued to come back to it. While I started with Ubuntu 12.04,
I've realized a lot since I started my first job in 2017 as a Software Engineer. Most importantly, that the primary focus of a software engineer's job should be being as absolutely as boring as possible. At first this might seem like it doesn't
6 min readPublic
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